Creating a Wave
Waves have their own life. They come forth of their own way and will.
When I go into the studio to work this is what comes forth. They have something to do with the pulse of life, the inhale and exhalation of breath, the expansion and contraction of everything.
How the work and the weaving draws you in and takes you out again is a continuous meditative spiral.
These pieces start with a flat slab of clay that I drape over a round gourd. As the clay loses moisture and sets up; I progressively coax the channels that make up the waves and craft the general form of the wave upside down.
When the wave is stiff enough I flip it right side up and begin the work of carving with metal ribs and wood tools to refine the shape.
Holes are drilled along the rim when the clay is leather hard, then fired.
Some waves are glazed after a bisque fire, sometimes multiple times, until I get the effect I am looking for— or get surprised enough to call the piece done.
Still, other waves are once fired then painstakingly gold leafed. The gold leaf is feather light and bits of gold fly around my studio like lighting bugs.
Other waves are sagger fired till black.
Current Offerings.
EVERYTHING IS WAITING FOR YOU: Sculpted Stoneware, Horse Hair, Waxed Thread 16.5X15x6 ins. $6500
GAIA WAVE: Sculpted Stoneware, Horse Hair, Waxed Thread 13x13x 5.5 ins. $3000
NIGHT BLOOM: Sculpted Stoneware, Horse Hair, Waxed Thread 16.5x16x7.5 ins. $6500
RADIANT: Sculpted Stoneware, Horse Hair, Waxed Thread. 13x13x5 ins. $3000
SHAPE OF TIME: Sculpted Stoneware, Horse Hair, Waxed Thread. 15.5x15x5 ins. $6500
COPPER PATINA: Sculpted stoneware wave woven with Mongolian horse hair and waxed thread. 17x13x14ins. $6000
TOUCHSTONE: Sculpted Stoneware, Horse Hair, Waxed Thread. 9x9.5x4.5 ins. $1200
Past Works.
Each piece is unique; some of these works are available by commission. Contact the artist for more information.
NIGHT BLOOM: Sculpted porcelain wave buried in the ground and burned till black. Woven with horse hair and waxed thread. 16x16x8ins.
OCEAN WAVE: Stoneware wave, highly impressed. Woven with horse hair and waxed thread.
STATE of WONDER: Sculpted porcelain wave, gold leafed & woven with horse hair and waxed tread. 27x21x12ins.
AWAKENING: Hand built porcelain wave. Buried in the ground and burned till black. Woven with horse hair, waxed thread and metal trade beads. 15x14x9ins.
COPPER WAVE: Sculpted stoneware wave woven with Mongolian horse hair and waxed thread. 18x19x8ins.
PINE NEEDLE WAVE: Hand built porcelain wave. Buried in the ground and burned till black. Woven with Montezuma pine needles and waxed thread. 28x24x13 ins.
WOO BLUE: Hand built porcelain wave glazed with Woo Blue glaze with crawl. Woven with horse hair and waxed thread. 14x14x7ins.
ANCIENT WAVE: Stoneware wave impressed with fossils, shells, coral and other mysteries from the ocean. Woven with horse hair and waxed thread. 25x19x13 ins.
WOO BLUE SIDE: Hand built porcelain wave glazed with Woo Blue glaze with crawl. Woven with horse hair and waxed thread. 14X14X7 ins.
SPIRIT WAVE: Pit Fired Stoneware wave woven with Palomino horse hair and waxed thread. 5x9x9 ins.
HORNET'S NEST: Hand built porcelain wave. Papered with a hornets nest and woven with horse hair and waxed thread. 16x16x6ins.
CONTORI WAVE Top View: Stoneware wave, buried in the ground and burned till black. Woven with horse hair and waxed thread. 18x18x10ins.
CONTORI WAVE Side View: Stoneware wave, buried in the ground and burned till black. Woven with horse hair and waxed thread. 18x18x10in.
PIT FIRED WALL WAVE: Sculpted porcelain wave Sagger fired till black. Woven with horse hair and waxed thread. 13x14x14 ins.
NORTHERN LIGHT: Sculpted porcelain wave form. Naked Raku Resist. Woven with horse hair and waxed thread. 13x12x7 ins.
POLAR WAVE: Sculpted porcelain wave form. Naked Raku Resist. Woven with Palomino horse hair and waxed thread. 13x12x11 ins.